A Message From Danielle Steel
Dear Friends,
Valentine's Day!! Now there's a special day, and sometimes a bit of a challenge, like New Year's Eve. It's one of those days that is supposed to be unfailingly romantic, and let's face it, some years it falls a little short. Either your husband or boyfriend forgets what day it is, or friends don't remember, and no one takes you out to dinner or sends you flowers and chocolates. In fact, does anyone send flowers and chocolates? I do, to my kids. What can I tell you? I'm a sentimental mom. Anyway, it's supposed to be a very special day to celebrate love, so let's celebrate friends, our children, our loved ones in all shapes and forms, special family members... husbands, wives, lovers, girlfriends and boyfriends... and even remember to spoil ourselves. Let's try to make it a day of love, even if it doesn't come in the form you most wish for. And if you're very lucky, maybe it will be a particularly romantic Valentine's Day for you this year!!! I hope so. (My history with Valentine's Day has always been a little shaky ? I was the only girl in 3rd grade who didn't get a Valentine, which was not an auspicious beginning to my romantic career. I made up for it later by being proposed to on Valentine's Day.) So some years are great, and some are not so great. I hope this will be a great one for you!!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!!