

Danelle Steel at Facebook

 ところが、Facebookの方はその時々の出来ごとに関するコメントが出るのでタイムリーな感じがして面白い。まだまだ小説の執筆意欲が旺盛な彼女は、最近「FIRST SIGHT」というタイトルの作品を発表した。その時のインタビューに答えて、後進の作家へ一言している内容が面白かったので転記してみる。
During an interview for FIRST SIGHT, the Reuters reporter asked me for my advice for aspiring writers. My best advice for young writers, or anyone in any field, or just in life, is perseverance. Keep at what you're doing, try not to get discouraged, keep going no matter what. I always remind young writers that my first book got published fairly easily but no one bought the next five books I wrote. I kept writing, and from my seventh book on, the books started to sell, slowly at first, but with a forward momentum. If you really want to be a writer, you have to harden yourself to rejection, keep trying to improve, learn your craft, and keep writing. As in anything, persistence wins the prize.