

Letter from D.S.


Dear friends,

Wow! September is one of the busiest months of the year for me. I always try to take some time off in summer, and then I go back to writing in September and continue through all the winter months. In September everyone is busy, with kids going back to school and jobs gearing up after summer vacations. It's a good time to get things done as the weather gets crisper. I always feel energized this month, and make lots of plans for the fall.

My novel The Sins of the Mother goes on sale in paperback this month. It's a big, meaty book about a woman who runs a major industry of household goods and furniture, and her four grown children, whom she didn't spend enough time with while she was building her empire. The interesting thing about the book is that each of her children reproaches her for something they feel she did wrong when they were young... until they find themselves doing the exact same things as they get older, and begin to understand their mother better. The experience teaches them compassion and gives them greater insight. I hope you enjoy the book!

Have a great September!


Danielle Steel