

Jauary Letter from D.S.

 読んでみて、何か去年も彼女は1月には同じような事を書いていたように思う。その通り。書き出しに Every year, I tell you that とあった。「一年の計は元旦にあり」だとか「新年の決意」といった大げさなことが嫌いらしい。年初に当たり色々と決心したりするのは日本人だけではないらしい。アメリカ人もするのだが、そういうのがお嫌いらしい。お約束や決意ではなく just hope for the best という感じで軽く望みを持つらしいが、その希望たるや結構盛りだくさん。煙草をやめることも入っている。ということはまだ吸っているらしい。決心するよりも沢山の希望を持つ方がいいらしい。どちらが欲張りかというと、後者のような気がしないでもない。

January 2012

Dear friends,

Every year, I tell you that I never make New Year's resolutions, and it's true. I HATE making promises I can't or don't keep, and the very notion of New Year's "resolutions" suggests something hard to do. So I make no promises, and just hope for the best (exercise programs, diets, giving up smoking, going out more, to see friends more often or making myself go to movies other than those I see on airplanes when I'm travelling). I guess the one resolution I should make is not to work on weekends. With my kids gone, I'm not very good at down time, and I often wind up working on weekends, which can be lonely for single people. Taking it easy is not my strong suit! (Maybe you can guess, since I've written 121 books!!) And I go back to work very quickly after the holidays, sometimes on New Year's Day.

One of my daughters has a birthday in January, so we'll be celebrating her!! (My father's birthday was in January too).

My book 44 Charles Street will come out in paperback at the end of this month. It's about four housemates in a townhouse in New York, how their lives become intertwined despite their differences, and how close they become -- a modern day family made up of people who become friends. I hope you enjoy it.

And I hope your year gets off to a fabulous start! May it be a great year for you.


Danielle Steel